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Program: Astrotots XL: Constellation Celebration (Ages 6-11 w/adult)
Park: Observatory Park
Room: Robert McCullough Science Center
Reservation Deadline: 3/22/25
Date: 3/22/25
Meeting Days: Sat.
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Fee: Free
# of people: 15
Openings: 0  Waiting List
Program Category: Chip Henry Institute for Kids
Program Type: Astronomy, Children-specific, Indoor presentations
Age Range: Ages 6-11 w/adult
Description: Explore the wonders of the night sky in the way the ancient people did. Hear the stories, learn the shapes, and handcraft your own mini-planetarium that might encourage YOU to become an astronomer some day! Register children only, not adults. Registration required.
Accessibility: Fully Wheelchair / Stroller Accessible