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Program: Nature Lecture Series: Geauga's Mighty Trees
Park: The West Woods
Location: Room
Room: Oak Room A
Area: Oak Room B also
Reservation Deadline: 3/1/24
Date: 3/1/24
Meeting Days: Fri.
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Fee: Free
# of people: Open
Openings: No registration required
Program Category: Adventure/Discovery
Program Type: Indoor presentations
Age Range: School Age and Up
Description: Geauga County was once covered in a nearly unbroken, ancient forest. Today, we have a patchwork of forests, agriculture, and residential areas. Learn about the trees we’ve lost, the trees fighting to hold on, and see some of our remaining giants. No registration required.
Accessibility: Fully Wheelchair / Stroller Accessible
Volunteers Needed:
1 Volunteer Opportunity